Samuel Webbe

Samuel Webbe (1740 – May 25, 1816) was an English composer.

Born in Minorca in 1740, Webbe was brought up in London. His father died when he was still a baby and his mother returned to London where she raised Webbe in difficult circumstances. At the age of eleven he was apprenticed to a cabinet maker, and during the first year of his apprenticeship his mother died. Webbe determined to educate himself. He first discovered his aptitude for music when called on to repair the case of a harpsichord. During the course of the repair work he taught himself to play the instrument. Near the end of the job he was overheard playing it. As a result of this incident he turned to the study of music under Carl Barbandt.

In 1766, he was given a prize medal by the Catch Club for his "O that I had wings', and in all he obtained twenty-seven medals for as many canons, catches, and glees, including "Discord, dire sister", "Glory be to the Father", "Swiftly from the mountain's brow", and "To thee all angels". Other glees like "When winds breathe soft", "Thy voice, O Harmony", and "Would you know my Celia's charms" are even better known. A Roman Catholic, in 1776 he succeeded George Paxton as organist of the Sardinian Embassy Chapel, a position which he held until 1795: he was also organist and choirmaster of chapel of the Portuguese Embassy in Lincoln's Inn Fields, the only place in London where the Catholic liturgy could be publicly celebrated. Webbe's "An Essay on the Church Plain Chant" (1782), was followed by a "Collection of Motetts" (1792) and "A Collection of Masses for Small Choirs" (1795), both of which were extensively used in Catholic churches throughout Great Britain and more widely through the 19th century. If not of a very high order, they are at least devotional, and historically important in terms of the start of the revival of Roman Catholic liturgical music in England. Some of his motets and hymns are still sung in Catholic and Anglican churches today: the (Anglican) "English Hymnal" included eight musical settings by Webbe, and "Liturgical Hymns Old and New" (1999) widely used today in English Catholic churches also includes eight of his works, including popular settings of "O Salutaris Hostia" and "Tantum Ergo" for the Catholic service of Benediction. His hymn tune Melcombe, often sung to the words New Every Morning is the Love is also regularly heard in Anglican and Catholic churches today. Webbbe also published nine books of glees, between the years 1764 and 1798, and some songs. Arguably his glees are his best claim on posterity, though his church music was particularly influential. He wrote one opera, The Speechless Wife, which premiered at Covent Garden on May 22, 1794.[1]


 This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domainHerbermann, Charles, ed (1913). Catholic Encyclopedia. Robert Appleton Company. 

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